Webinar: COVID-19 & Black Men's Physical, Mental & Spiritual Health

As the world grapples with the coronavirus pandemic, it has been stated that the virus does not discriminate.  However, Black people across the nation are contracting COVID-19 at higher rates and are more likely to die.  While the virus is new to us, the racial disparities in health outcomes are not.  We are facing a public health disaster layered on top of poor social conditions and pre-existing disparities in health which are rooted in structural racism.  People are also stressed and feel anxiety about catching the virus, the health of loved ones, social isolation, job and economic security, and more. 

Just Strategies’s Dwayne Wharton facilitated a webinar discussion on Black Men & COVID-19, exploring the disparities in health outcomes, the connection between trauma and health, and what can be done to keep ourselves health physically, mentally and spiritually. This event was sponsored by the City of Philadelphia Mayor's Commission on African-American Males in partnership with the City of Philadelphia Office of Black Male Engagement and the Center for Urban and Racial Equity.

To view the webinar, click here.


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